What We Do
We help businesses and their respective leaders create work environments in which motivation can flourish. Motivation, a term frequently used but rarely understood, is simply an individual's willingness to engage in and complete a task. When your people are more motivated, they will make a greater contribution to their respective role, yielding more profit.
A lack of motivation in and among your staff is a financial liability.
With greater motivation comes greater productivity and greater profit.
We teach business owners, presidents, vice-presidents, and all levels of management to create environments in which motivation flourishes, problems become opportunities for growth, and employee productivity increases. We will provide the tools to create a space where employees become confident problem solvers.
We add value to your business by providing your management with the tools to identify areas of stifled motivation and the skill set to remediate and augment the environment.

We know what great leadership looks like and our bar is set deliberately high.
We’re determined to ensure that our clients’ leaders drive significant enterprise change, attract and develop outstanding people, and consistently deliver extraordinary results.
We’re sensitive to changing business realities and the impact this has on leadership requirements across industries. We will help you make sure you have the leadership you need now and into the future.

Even the best leaders can’t go it alone. Because the real work of business requires high levels of collaboration, problem solving, and cooperation, the true measure of your organization’s success lies with the performance of its teams.
We evaluate the health of the whole team through customized and proprietary assessments of individuals. With these results, we are guided on how best to proceed with team coaching to foster alignment, communication, and shared responsibility for exceptional results.
Strategic Talent Management (STM) is a systematic and comprehensive approach to helping your organization deal with questions pertaining to leadership and talent. DGDP offers services geared towards strengthening your organization’s capability in STM, as well as the flexibility and expertise to help with larger organizational initiatives.
We will partner with you to ensure customized solutions are created to directly address your organization’s specific needs.